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Access - how did women accomplish anything??
Women’s accomplishments have often been overlooked in the annals of science. The reason they were able to have any opportunities, was often through their connections with the people in power – white men. My grandmother was the first woman to pass the bar in the province of New Brunswick, and she had the full support of her father and grandfather, men of influence in the law community there. But 20 years prior, another woman, Mabel French, applied to the bar but was rejected, and both my grandmother’s father and grandfather voted not to allow Mabl to sit for the bar, stating that she was not a person. This is not to take away from my grandmother’s achievement. But Mabel French should have been the first. I can’t help but think that my grandmother was respected by the men in her life only because she had their attention and proved herself competent and intelligent. Access is everything.
Should we add our name to our scientific discoveries?
Tu Youyou discovered Artemisinin, a treatment for malaria that has saved millions of lives. Segenet Kelemu developed methods for mitigating plant diseases and enhancing Africa’s agriculture. Lynn Margulis postulated endosymbiosis where organelles derive from bacteria. You may not have heard of these women partially because they did not self-name their discoveries. Endosymbiosis could have been the Margulis process. You have very likely heard the names of of Hakaru Hashimoto, or Reginald Punnett, or Sir William Bowman. I can’t think of a single scientific discovery named after a woman. Is our invisibility partially due to our modesty? Who has it right? Well – history is starting to judge. The textbooks I use have re-named things for their actual function –Pacinian corpuscles are now lamellar corpuscles. The circle of Willis is now the anterior cerebral circle. the “loop of Henle” is now the nephron loop. I think science is meant to help humanity, not forward one’s own brand. Margulis amalgamation. Margulisian synthesis. Inner Margulis fusion.
The biggest jerk in the history of Biology?
Rosalind Franklin had already pretty much solved the structure of DNA when James Watson swooped in and beat her to publication in 1953. Watson had attended a seminar Rosalind had given, and later read her lab notes in her absence, and used her data to finalize his publication. There are indications, that she strenuously objected. Guys, this is not how science is done. Jams Watson shared the Nobel prize 9 ys lat. Rosalind anklin had died of cancer by that tim.
Heres what he said about her: … she was not unattractive and might have been quite stunning had she taken even a mild interest in clothes…. it was quite easy to imagine her the product of an unsatisfied mother….
James Watson is a misogynist, anti-Black, eugenist, antismitoc, anti-LGBT jerk. His controversies finally got him shunned aoun 2000 spit his impssiv carr. There’s more but let’s just say James Watson is an extreme example of behaviour that we need to study to avoid. I’m soty to say somtims typical mal scintist