Traveling to Paris, and Day One

Day Two in Paris

Day Two in Paris (still) - figuring out the metro

Day Three in Paris: Grandma arrives!

Day Five in Paris: Cruise on the Seine, and a Wild Solstice party!

Day Six in Paris: Cat Spotting, Sacre Couer, Le Bouillon

Renting a car in central Paris ....

Driving from Paris to Saarburg Germany

Saarburg Castle

A Day in Saarburg Germany

Kahren, Germany: Our heritage and lifelong friendships

Driving through Belgium in a day

Bruges, Belgium. Day 1.

Bruges, Belgium. Day 2

Oostende, Belgium to Calais, France

Omaha Beach: the memorial

Omaha Beach: Driving in and Swimming

Mont Saint-Michel Part I: Arrival

Mont Saint-Michel Part II: Night and Morning

My thoughts on renting a car and driving a stick through Europe

Tour of our neighborhood and AirBnB in Paris

Dave leaves us in Paris!

The Paris Catacombs

A public park in Paris

Tuileries Garden and Carnival

Our Montmartre neighborhood and apartment

Our second try at Angelina

My (unexpected) favorite day in Paris - St Germain de Press

Latin Quarter in Paris, Pantheon, Luxembourg Gardens

Versailles Palace: Touring the chambers

The Palace of Versailles: Gardens and Grounds

Notre Dame

The Louvre

Skateboarding in the 10th arrondissement of Paris

Watching the Eiffel Tower light up from Montmartre

Arc de Triomphe

Eiffel Tower

New adventure!

Our family of four is heading to Paris for a WHOLE MONTH! Check out this video for:

  • Why Paris

  • Itinerary

  • Costs / How can we afford this??

  • Are we looking forward to it?

Grayson's Geography Bee Adventure